Sunday, June 20, 2010


Yoga means a combination or conjunction of planets. While Positive Yogas impart strength to the horoscope, Negative Yogas mar and destroy all the postive results bequethed by the positive combinations. Prognostication is difficult normally, as all horoscopes are a mixture of positive and negative indications and influences.

As Vedic Astrology is a revealed Science, revealed to the Seers in Yogic flashes of heightened Consciousness, the remedies prescribed are effective and can ward off negative influences and make man actualise his potential, both material and spiritual, which are the obverse and the reverse of the same coin of Life ! What the Seers hear is only an infinitesimal portion of the Infinite Vedas ( Ananta Vai Veda )!

Amavasi Yoga - This Yoga manifests when the Moon is proximate to the Sun. All planets when they near the Sun, lose their virility and become combust. The conjunction of Luna and Sol is known as Amavasi or New Moon. ( Its opposite phenomenon is the Luni-Solar opposition, Pournami or Full Moon ). The native born under Amavasi Yoga becomes weak mentally, as mental strength can only be bestowed by a powerful ( powerful in digit strength ) Moon ! If Moon comes within 72 degrees of the Sun, she is said to be devoid of digit strength. All the significations associated with the Moon suffer as Moon comes within 72 degrees of the Sun. The Moon signifies Mother & Mind ( Mano Matharo Sheetharashmi ). If the Moon is afflicted, there is danger to the native's mother as well. ( Of course, the 4 H also should be taken into consideration ). An afflicted Moon can also mean that the native will not rise high in the political sphere, as Moon is the Queen in the Celestial Government ( Rajanou Ravi Sheethagu ) ! Amavasi means that the Moon is afflicted by the Sun, who is considered as a natural malefic in VA. Mind will go through depressive Black Holes for the native. Remedial Astrology has it that such natives should fast on Mondays ( Monday being Dies Luna or Day of Moon ) & consecrate to the Divine Mother on Mondays, wear Moonstone or Coral, wear the Soma Talisman & perform Soma Homa ( Soma being the name of Luna ), with the Soma Mantra !

Nisva Yoga - This Yoga manifests when the 2 L ( 2nd lord ) is in the adverse 6,8,12 houses. Sva means Wealth and Nisva means one devoid of wealth, as 2 H is the House of Wealth !. This is a problematic Yoga, as Wealth is something highly fancied by this world ! ( This world is a Vanity Fair ). Remedies are propitiating the 2 L (Second Lord) with his Mantra, Yantra & Homa, fasting on his Day ( Sunday - Sun;Monday - Moon; : Tuesday - Mars; Wednesday - Mercury; Thursday - Jove; Friday - Venus & Saturday - Saturn ).

Nirbhaya Yoga - This Yoga manifests when the 9 L is in the adverse 6,8,12 houses. This is another problematic Yoga as 9 H rules Fortune. Luck or Fortune is said to be the greatest quality ( Bhagyanvitha Sarva Gunari Upetha ) and lack of it can lead to a chaotic life. Remedies for this are propitiation of the 9 L on his Day with his Mantra, Yantra & Homa, fasting on his Day and consecrating to the Lord on his Day. Bhagya Sooktha Mantra can be used to counteract this malefic Yoga.

Daridra Yoga - When the 11 L is in the adverse 6, 8, 12 houses, this Yoga manifests. The 11 H is said to be the House of Gains and House for the fulfillment of all desires. ( Abheeshta Labham Khalu Sarvamethath ). Remedies for this are propitiation of the 11 L on his Day with his Mantra, Yantra & Homa, fasting on his Day and consecrating to the Divine on his Day. Lakshmi Mantra can be used to counteract this Yoga.

Dur Yoga - When the 10 L is in the adverse 6, 8, 12 houses, this Yoga manifests. The 10 H is the most important House as it rules Profession. This destructive Yoga can be a formidable block as the native works hard and finds no result ! Remedies for this are propitiation of the 10 L on his Day with his Mantra, Yantra & Homa, fasting on his Day and consecrating to the Divine on his Day.

Sakata Yoga - This Yoga manifests when Jupiter and Moon are in 6/8 or 2/12 from each other. Sakata means a wheel in Sanskrit and the native's fortunes will fluctuate like a wheel. He will be led through dire vicissitudes. Jupiter angular to the Moon is Kesari Yoga, a yoga which is diametrically opposite to this Yoga. Sakata Yoga can create financial stringency. Remedies for this are propitiation of the 10 L on his Day with his Mantra, Yantra & Homa & fasting on his Day. Sree Sooktha Mantra can be used to counteract this Yoga. Cancellational factor is an angular Jupiter, angular to the Asc and if so, the native becomes a regal person !

Kalasarpa Yoga - When all planets are hemmed in between the North Node & South Node, this Yoga manifests. Till 34, the native struggles hard in life and in Life there will be occasional dips. Even though some scholars opine that K Y is valid only in Mundane Astrology, this Yoga is found to be destructive in Natal Astrology as well. Remedies include performing a Kalasarpa Homa and wearing the Kalasarpa Talisman and chanting the mantras of both Rahu & Ketu

Asura Yoga - When benefics occupy the 8 H, this Yoga manifests. Asu means the sensory organs and one born in A Y will have sufficient sensory enjoyments. Fate has given the native all the resources to enjoy life fully. For a hedonist, this Yoga is Heaven but for a spiritual aspirant, this Yoga is a big block as it can hinder his spiritual progress, his goal being Self Actualisation ! Only from a spiritual perspective have we included this Yoga as a Negative Yoga.

Kemadruma Yoga - This Yoga manifest when the Signs on either sides of Luna are unoccupied. The person born under this Yoga is dirty, sorrowful, low-minded and devoid of wealth ( Kemadrume Malina Dukhitha Neecha Nisva ). Tripura Mantra can be used to counteract this

Yoga. Soma Homa & Yantra can be useful in nullifying this Yoga.
Papa Karthari Yoga - This Yoga manifests when a house or a planet is hemmed in between 2 malefics. If the Ascendant ( Personality, Fame ) is hemmed in between malefics , in a P K Y, there may be even suicidal tendencies. Same is the case if the Moon is in P K Y. If Sun is in P K Y, father's physical & mental health becomes a problem. If Moon is so positioned, mother's. If a House or Bhava is in PKY, then the significations of that House or Bhava suffer. If the 2 H is in P K Y, then the native will have dire vicissitudes. If the Asc is in PKY, then the native's health becomes a problem. Remedial Astrology has it that the afflicted planet or house should be propitiated with the respective ( the planet's or the House lord's ) Mantra, Yantra & Homa.

Malefics in Houses
Malefics vitiate the House it tenants. Natural benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Moon & Mercury. Moon waning is malefic and so is a malefic associated Mercury. Jupiter & Venus become malefics when afflicted by angular ownership ( Kendradhipatya Dosha ).

If the Ascendant is vitiated by a malefic, the native suffers from the hallucination of defeat ( Lagne Papagathe Parajaya Bhaya Siroruja ). There may be affliction to the head. If 2 H, wealth will be afflicted. If 3 H, younger coborns become inimical. If 4 H, mother and conveyances. If 5 H, children. If 6 H, enemies attack the native. If 7 H, life partner creates problems. If 8 H, hindrances and obstacles on the way. If 9 H, Luck will be found wanting. If 10 H, problems in the professional sphere. If 11 H, gains will be difficult to come by. If 12 H, hidden enemies attack the native. There may be even incarceration. Remedial Astrology has it that the afflicted house lord should be propitiated with the respective Mantra, Yantra & Homa.

While evaluating the Yogas, one should check whether cancellational factors are there or not. Cancellation of Kemadruma Yoga goes under the name Kemadruma Bhanga Yoga and a person born under this Yoga becomes a royal personage , like one born in Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga ( Kemadrume Bhavathi Mangala Suprasiddhi ). A powerful Jupiterian aspect can also destroy negativity. Jupiter in the Ascendant or an angular Jupiter can also remove a lot of negativity. Great care must be taken before predicting the effects of negative yogas, as cancellation of a Negative Yoga becomes a Positive Yoga !


Shrapit Doshas/Shrapit Yoga
The word shrapit means the one who has been cursed. Shrapit dosha occurs when in the single sign of your horoscope, both Saturn and Rahu are present. It happens because of the wrong deeds that you have done in your past life. Because of Shrapit doshas in your chart you will not get the good result even if your present birth chart is showing good combinations of the planets. But like Kaalsarpa dosha there is no roots of Shrapit yoga in ancient astrology. Even in Lal Kitab (Red Book) Rahu and Saturn when come together are called Nagmani (Snake' jewel) that is considered good. Person with this combination will have lots of black money.
This Shrapit Dosha nivaran puja is performed for removing past life karma Doshas.

Now if our ancestors have done something bad then we will suffer from Pitra dosha or paitrik dosha. It is because of the position of Saturn and Rahu that pitra dosha in the category of Indian astrology doshas occur. Sun according to vedic astrology is the father and moon is the mother whereas Rahu and Saturn are the enemies of these two. So if Sun/Moon, Rahu and Saturn are in same house then pitra dosha occurs. You will not progress because of this dosha.

There are many ways by which Pitru Dosh can occur. According to general information from various Puran, Pitru Dosh occurs when the soul of our ancestors and departed forefathers does not get peace ( shanti ) due to any of the following main reason, and there may be others.

(1) Bad deeds ( bad karma ) of our ancestors in earlier life, knowingly or unknowingly, are embarrassing their souls,
(2) Bad deeds ( bad karma ) of children, knowingly or unknowingly, are embarrassing the soul of ancestors,
(3) Lack of fulfilments of parental desires of our ancestors,
(4) A sudden and unnatural death of any relative ancestors in early age,
(5) If someone fails to remember and honour the ancestors properly,
(6) If certain wishes are remained attached with the soul of the ancestors, etc.
Pitru Dosha occurs if any ancestors up to the 7th generation on the father’s side and up to the 4th generation on the mother’s side have expired at an early age or have had an unnatural death.
This yoga is formed when Rahu and Ketu are with any of the Luminaries and are placed in the 6th, 8th and the 12th house. Many a times, this yoga is also formed in the 5th house and if other planets do not show any beneficial aspects, this yoga does not allow a person to progress at all.
Simple ways to identify Pitru Dosh
Astrological combinations and calculations are used to precisely find out the exact problem and related solution of Pitru Dosh. Such astrological calculations are good, but they are far more complex and hard to understand for a common man.

Then how a common man can identify if he is under the bad influences of Pitru Dosh ? Well, there are some signs and methods given in the ancient texts, which help a person in identifying Pitru Dosh. Following are the most important signs to identify the existence of Pitru Dosh.
1. Children are falling sick repeatedly.
2. The couple has problem in conceiving the child, i.e. problem in getting pregnant.
3. Repeated miscarriages.
4. Quarrels among family members without any reasonable reason.
5. The person's educational and career growth is obstructed.
6. Disruption in educational and career growth and success.

Simple Remedies of Pitru Dosha
1. Every Saturday, make rice balls by mixing cooked rice and ghee. Feed these rice balls to crows and fish.
2.Unconditional services to parents, old-age needy persons, sweeper and poor people are recommended. The person should try not to get angry in this life and try not to engage in any kind of quarrels in his lifetime.
3.Worshipping Lord Vishnu, specially the form of Sri Ram, is also advised for Pitru Dosh Nivaran.
4.Perform Kanya Daan ( perform the marriage of a girl ), if possible for a Brahmin Kanya(Or any Poor family)
5.Perform Rudrabhishek ( Rudra Abhishek ) in the name of the KUL or ancestors.

Rituals for Remedy Of Pitru Dosha
There are some rituals to be performed to ward off the evil effects of these yogas.
One of them is Narayan Nagbali Pooja. This pooja gives relief to a great extent. This pooja is performed at a few prescribed Indian locations such as: (1) Trambakeshwar in Nashik, (2) Chandod near Vadodara in Gujarat, (3) Kala Hasti in Tamil Nadu and at (4) Haridwar.
It is very important to note that these poojas have to be performed at the places mentioned. Trambakeshwar has the pride of place as mentioned in our Puranas. The priests available at Tranbakeshwar are highly organised and perform the pooja very nicely. The Pooja lasts for 3 days.
If such is the situation, my humble request would be that this Pooja should be performed.
This pooja has given relief to many and the auther of this blog too has experienced this effect.
If you are from North India, you may go to Haridwar on Amavasya day for Pitra Tarpan Ritual.
Other Upaya: On any somwati amavaasya( when there is amaavasyaa and also monday) go to peepal tree,offer one janeu to tree and one to Lord Vishnu.Pray to tree and Lord Vishnu.Then do 108 Parikrama of tree,with each Parikrama offer a sweet to tree.While doing Parikrama continuously chant the mantra " OM NAMO BHAGAWATE VAASUDEWAAYA".After doing parikrama again pray to peepal tree and Lord Vishnu and seek forgiveness.

One more remedy is to feed crows and fish with rice mixed with gee and made into balls on every Saturday.


Nadi is one of the eight Ashta that are used to calculate your compatibility with your partner. Total of 36 points are there out of which Nadi has maximum points i.e. 8. Now if there is any conflict between the nadi of two persons then they said to suffer from nadi dosha as per nadi astrology. If there exists nadi dosha in kundali then most of the astrologers will say direct no to that marriage because the next generation will be weaker or there will be chances of not having the kids at all. But according to some other astrologers the nadi dosha is not that important as to check whether the couple will have strong kids also depends upon other factors like position in the fifth house and so on. To reduce the impact of nadi dosha one can go for many nadi dosha remedies and nadi dosha cancellations.

Eight Ashta to calculate compatibility
1. Varna: maximum of 1 point is given in Varna to check work compatibility
2. Vashya: Maximum of 2 points are given here to check dominance compatibility
3. Tara : Maximum of 3 points are given to check destiny compatibility
4. Yoni : Maximum of 4 points are given to check mentality compatibility
5. Graha Maitri: Maximum 5 points are given to check general compatibility
6. Gana: Maximum 6 points are given to check the guna-level compatibility
7. Bhakoota: Maximum 7 points are given to check love compatibility
8. Nadi: Maximum 8 points are given to check health compatibility

There are basically three types of nadis which are:
• Adi (start)
• Madhya (middle)
• Antya (end)

The type of nadi defines the "Prakriti" of an individual that can be Kaph, Vaat and Pita. In this kaph is for Adi nadi, Vaat is for Madhya and Pita is for Antya Nadi. Now the two persons having same type of nadi must not marry each other as their progeny or children will be weak. This is true scientifically as well. So this is the reason why marriage in a same kin is not allowed. But according to some astrologers instead of nadi dosha, putrakaraka and 5th house that represents children must be checked more accurately than the nadi dosha.
If you have a nadi dosha in horoscope that it can lead to conception but soon there will be a miscarriage or still birth.

Nadi Dosha Exceptions
Even if you have this vedic astrological problem you may get the nadi dosha exceptions which include the following points:
• If the Nakshatra of male and female of same rashi are different then that is a nadi dosha cancellation
• If two persons have same Nakshatra but different rashi then also it is considered as nadi dosha exception

Nadi Dosha Remedies
• Chant Mahamrityunjaya mantra japa
• Present swarna-nadi, grains, cloth and cow to the brahmin for nadi dosha remedies
• Girl having a nadi dosha is also married to Vishnu before the actual marriage and is considered as a nadi dosha cancellation and remedies.
So before marriage it is important to check the nadi astrology for any nadi dosha, nadi dosha remedies and nadi dosha cancellation. You can go for the astrology for marriage to get this done.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


ANGARAKA dosha exists if Mars is placed in 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12 from Lagna. Some say it exists if Mars is similarly placed from Moon or from Venus. There are many exceptions for Angaraka Dosham. Mars's placement in Mithuna or Kanya is one such exception. Jupiter's aspect on, or conjunction with Mars, or Mars's exaltation or debilitation also nullifies Kuja Dosham. For Kataka and Simha Lagna there is no Kuja Dosham. If the Mahadasa of Mars has passed or is not likely to occur, Angaraka Dosham need not be feared much.

Marry Another Person with the Same Condition
Two people with the birth chart planetary placements which cause this affliction can marry. In that case, the condition is in effect cancelled out. According to some Vedic astrologers, however, two people with angaraka dosha (also known as manglik dosha, kuja dosha or bhom dosha) are unlikely to find each other attractive.

Recite the Appropriate Mantra
Angaraka dosha stems from the way the planet Mars is placed in the person's birth chart as cast by Vedic astrology. Daily recitation of the 108 names of Mangala Graha, or the planet Mars, can alleviate the suffering this placement usually causes.

Postpone Marriage until Age 31 or Older
Age enables a person to handle the problems of angaraka dosha. Vedic astrology postulates that the energies of Mangala, the planet Mars, matures within each individual at age 28. After that age, a person is better able to responsibly use the energies of Mars. Rahu (the moon's south node), one of the other "malefics" of this system of astrology, also reaches maturity at age 28. The other of the three malefics, Shani (Saturn), matures at age 31. On her website, Vedic astrologer Barbara Pijan explains that by the time a person reaches age 31, the three malefics have completed their "karmic mischief making." In terms of personal development, Pijan says, "even for severest Kuja Dosha, the wisdom of age can make it possible to have a satisfying, spouse-respecting, non-abusive marriage."

Angaraka Astottara Shata Namavali
(The 108 names of Mangala Graha or planet Mars)
This is good for affliction caused by Mars or Mangala. Recite this everyday to lessen the problems and sufferings caused by Mangal Grah or planet Mars. This is also a very effective remedy for this Dosha.

Om mahisutaya namah
Om maha bhagaya namah
Om mangalaya namah
Om mangala pradaya namah
Om maha virayam namah
Om maha shuraya namah
Om maha bala parakramaya namah
Om maha roudraya namah
Om maha bhadraya namah
Om mananiyaya namah
Om dayakaraya namah
Om manad ya namah
Om aparvanaya namah
Om kruraya namah
Om tapa traya vivarjitaya namah
Om supratipaya namah
Om sutamrakshaya namah
Om subrahmanyaya namah
Om sukhapradaya namah
Om vakra stambhadi gamanaya namah
Om varenyaya namah
Om varadaya namah
Om sukhine namah
Om virabhadraya namah
Om virupaksaya namah
Om vidurasthaya namah
Om vibhavasave namah
Om naksatra chakra sancharine namah
Om kshatrapaya namah
Om kshatravarjitaya namah
Om kshaya vriddhi vinirmuktaya namah
Om kshama yuktaya namah
Om vichakshanaya namah
Om akshina phaladaya namah
Om chatur-varga phala pradaya namah
Om vitaragaya namah
Om vitabhayaya namah
Om vijvaraya namah
Om vishva karanaya namah
Om nakshatra rashi shancharaya namah
Om nana bhaya nikrintanaya namah
Om vandaru janaman daraya namah
Om vakra kunchita murddhajaya namah
Om kamaniyaya namah
Om dayasaraya namah
Om kanat kanaka bhushanaya namah
Om bhayaghnaya namah
Om bhavya phaladaya namah
Om bhakta bhaya varapradaya namah
Om shatru hantre namah
Om shamope taya namah
Om sharanagata poshanaya namah
Om sahasine namah
Om sad guna dhiaksaya namah
Om sadhave namah
Om samara durjayaya namah
Om dushta duraya namah
Om shishta pujyaya namah
Om sarva kashtha nivarakaya namah
Om dush-cheshta varakaya namah
Om dukkha bhanjanaya namah
Om durdharaya namah
Om haraye namah
Om du-svapna hantre namah
Om dur dharshaya namah
Om dushta garva vimochanaya namah
Om bharadvaja kulam adbhutaya namah
Om bhu sutaya namah
Om bhavya bhushanaya namah
Om raktam varaya namah
Om rakta vapushe namah
Om bhakta palana tatparaya namah
Om chatur bhujaya namah
Om gada dharine namah
Om mesha vahaya namah
Om sita shanaya namah
Om shakti shula dharaya namah
Om shaktaya namah
Om shastra vidya visharadaya namah
Om tarkakaya namah
Om tamasha dharaya namah
Om tapasvine namah
Om tamra lochanaya namah
Om tapta kanchana samkashaya namah
Om rakta kinjal kaman-nibhaya namah
Om gotra adhi devaya namah
Om gomadhy acharaya namah
Om guna vibhushanaya namah
Om asrije namah
Om angarakaya namah
Om avanti desha adhishaya namah
Om janardanaya namah
Om surya-yamya pradeshasthaya namah
Om ghune namah
Om yamya harin mukhaya namah
Om trikona mandala gataya namah
Om tridasha adhipasannutaya namah
Om shuchaye namah
Om shuchikaraya namah
Om shuraya namah
Om shuchi vashyaya namah
Om shubha vahaya namah
Om mesha vrischika rashishaya namah
Om medhavine namah
Om mita bhashanaya namah
Om shukha pradaya namah
Om shurupa akshaya namah
Om sharva bhishta phala pradaya namah
Eti Sree Angaraka Astottara Shatanamavali Samaptam


The conjunction of either Rahu or Ketu with Sun or Moon is termed as Grahana dosa. Sun being the king of planets does not fear for any rest of the planets than the Ketu. Grahana dosa offers hurdles and suffererences. The parents suffer, also the brother and sisters in same ways. At the adult (before crossing the Rahu or Ketu dasa) the occupation/career/profession won't be stable. The native will be with Agankara, jealousy, Greedy etc. They won't listen to others. The family life too they feel not very entertaining at times. The conjunction of Sun and Rahu brings trouble in the occupation. We cannot many
with this conjunction in the government jobs. This conjunction at the first house brings a lot of wealth to the father of the native. At in the thrid house it brings promotions in the occupation, in the fourth house the native goes abroad to suffer, but in the fifth house it brings a lot of success at abroad, in the 9th house it offers higher education, inthe 7th house loss of wealth due to the involvement with affairs, at the 10th house it brings loss of wealth due to the involvement in politiics. From the ascendant with in the first six houses if the conjunction of Rahu and Moon is found the mother's realtives will suffer very much till the age of 12 of the child.
Upaya: Grahan dosha nivaran pooja/ shanti on amavaysa or grahan day. Donate alms on grahan day.


Shani and Chandra Yuti, generally considered as VISH YOGA (Poison Combination). Yes, it does creates bad effect on Mother and her health particularly. But more importantly see the 4th House of the Native for Mother Son / Mother and Daughter relations.

If Saturn is with Mars / Rahu in 4th House or making Kendra / Samsaptak Yoga like 4-10 combination then there are much more chaces that it will create rift between them. this normally leads to separation in the relation. A very painful patch for family in general.

If Saturn and Moon are in Yuti where the distance between the Planets is less than 5 degrees then generally it gives worst effects. It can make the Native Emotionally and Mentally weak.

Saturn poisons the Natural emotions of Moon causing lack of Expression and Emotions from Native. These people are Hard working in Nature but success comes after the Age of 30-32. They generally land in to Service Industry after series of Failures.

They are Strict in Discipline and make a Good Administrator

This Yuti gives Bad effects during Each Others Dasa and Antar Dasas. It reflects losses of the House where both the Planets are located.

eg. If this Yuti is in 5th House then, Chandra Mahadasa with Shani Antardasa or vice versa will give Bad effect to Native, which leads to Failure in Exams, Sudden Change in Education Streams, Failure in Love Affair or Problem to Son/Daughter of Native.
Upaya : Go To Shani Mandir & Donate Mustard Oil With Khada Urad On Every Saturday.Donate Milk To Any Bhikari On Every Monday The Above Yoga Can Be Taken Care Off. Do Abhishek Of Lord Shiva On Every Pradosh With Sugercane Juice. .
Vish dosh nivarna Pooja can also be done on Saturdays or on somavathi amavasya day.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Prenatal Epoch

The primary principle of the Prenatal Epoch has been stated by Max Heindel in The Message of the Stars, where he says that the body is the product of lunar forces and that the position of the Ascendant, or its opposite, at birth, is the Moon's position at conception. The keyword of the Moon is fecundation or fertility, and it is Jehovah and the lunar Angels that preside at the birth of a child. This is stated in the Cosmo-Conception and other works of the Rosicrucian Philosophy. We thus see that the Moon has primary influence over the formation of the physical body, and that the Ascendant represents merely the transference of the Moon's position from conception to birth.
This law was known to the ancients as the "Truitine of Hermes," from Hermes Trismegistus, who first correctly formulated and stated the law as follows: "The place of the Moon at conception becomes the birth ascendant or its opposite point."
"But this proved to be but one-half of a very important law, for while the Ascendant at birth was the place of the Moon at a certain Epoch, the Ascendant or its opposite point at this Epoch was the place of the Moon at birth -- a very remarkable interchange of factors." --E.H. Bailey.
According to the Ancient Wisdom, "The World-Breath has a definite and periodic pulsation, a systole and diastole action, whereby birth and death are controlled." This idea of periodicity, well established by modern science, furthers the idea that birth can take place only in respect to any single locality at intervals, that these intervals are in accord with lunar motion, and that only every seventh impulse of the World-Breath permits of human births.
The modern version of the Prenatal Epoch we first established by the English astrologer known to the astrological world as Sepharial, in the year 1886. It was published by him in 1890. In this he had the collaboration of a trained and veteran scientist, a doctor, who helped him to establish the primary laws of the Prenatal Epoch by years of painstaking research and actual experiments. This doctor was an expert obstetrician and proved the laws of the Prenatal Epoch by actual firsthand data.
These laws have been further verified, extended, and complemented by the painstaking researches of E.H. Bailey, to whom great credit is due for his many and exact proofs of the Prenatal Epoch. His book upon this subject is considered standard authority, and we are in the main following his very worthy contribution to the subject and are extending him full credit.
One of the primary uses of the Prenatal Epoch is the correction or rectification of the birth time when only the approximate time is given. Another is its utility in determining correctly the sex of the native. Finally, it gives sidelights on the character and inner nature of the individual as fundamental as those of the birth chart.
"As births are brought about in exact harmony with lunar laws, it is shown that intrauterine life is in direct relation with the sidereal world without, that the great fact of maternity is capable of purely astronomical measurement and rule .... The law is nothing less than a mathematical measurement of human life, a stupendous natural fact; nothing more exactly mathematical and matter of fact is to be found in the records of scientists than this record of intra- uterine life, for only through its study will the laws of generation be fully understood." -- Sepharial.
"In the measurement of the intra-uterine period we actually measure the whole future of the individual; alter this one fact -- the moment of conception (or its spiritual counterpart, the Epoch) -- and you change the whole course of the progeny's destiny. If we accept the occult theory that the Prenatal Epoch is the descent of the Ego to the Desire World, then it must show the inherent character of the Ego about to incarnate. It may be stated that the Epoch has a more intimate relationship with the individual than the horoscope at birth, the latter appearing to reject the personality and its heredity and environment. In other words, the Epoch represents the man about to manifest in the flesh, the horoscope denotes actual personal conditions and environments into which he is born. Every birth is directly connected with the Epoch, and every authentic natural birth will, within the limits of an error of observation, yield an Epoch in accordance with the rules to be given."-- Bailey.
For summary, let us restate the fundamental principle of the Prenatal Epoch known as the Truitine of Hermes: "The Ascendant at birth is the place of the Moon at a certain Epoch, ant the Ascendant or its opposite point at Epoch was the place of the Moon at birth."
This yields the:

Four Laws of the Epoch
1. When the Moon at birth increases in light, it will be on the ascending degree of Epoch, and the Moon at Epoch will be on the ascending degree at birth.
2. When the Moon at birth decrease in light, it will be on the decreasing degree at Epoch, and the Moon at Epoch will be on the descending degree at birth.
3. When the Moon at birth is (a) increasing in light and below the horizon, or (b) decreasing in light and above the horizon, the period of gestation is longer than the norm.
4. When the Moon at birth is (a) increasing in light and above the horizon or (b) decreasing in light and below the horizon, the period of gestation is shorter than the norm.
From these four laws we deduce the following:
Four Orders of Epoch
1. Moon above horizon and increasing in light.......... 273 days minus x.2. Moon above horizon and decreasing in light.......... 273 days plus x.3. Moon below horizon and increasing in light.......... 273 days plus x.4. Moon below horizon and decreasing in light.......... 273 days minus x.
It is to be understood that the 273 days referred to in the above table is the normal period of gestation, or nine solar or ten lunar months. This normal period is increased or decreased in accordance with the distance of the Moon from either the Ascendant or Descendant, and "x" is a certain number of days corresponding to this distance obtained by dividing the distance in degrees by thirteen degrees, the latter being the average daily motion of the Moon.
When making the count, count to the Ascendant (AC) when the Moon is increasing in light, and to the Descendant (DC) when the Moon is decreasing in light. Another more definite way of stating this would be: In orders Nos. 1 and 4 the distance in degrees of the Moon from the horizon last crossed (AC or DC), divided by thirteen, gives "x", or the number of days by which this period is decreased; and in orders Nos. 2 and 3 the distance of the Moon in degrees from the horizon which it is approaching, divided by thirteen, gives the number of days by which this period is increased. These rules are illustrated by the following examples:
Figure 1
Moon above the horizon and increasing in light. Period of gestation is 273 days minus "x".
Increasing -- hence "count" to AC.
Subtracting longitude of moon from longitude of AC gives 80 degrees, as follows:

AC __________ 7 __________ 0 ______________ 0

Moon ________ 4 _________ 10 _____________ 00

_____________ 2 _________ 20 deg._____ equals 2

____________________________________ signs plus

_________________________________ 20 or 80 deg.

80 degrees divided by 18 gives B days by which the period is decreased.
"Index date" falls B days previous to "Epoch date."

Figure 2

Moon above the horizon and decreasing in light.
Period of gestation is 278 days plus "x".
Decreasing-hence "count" to D.C.
Subtracting longitude of Moon from longitude of DC gives 106 degrees.
Dividing 105 degrees to 18 gives 8 days, by which the period is increased. Hence "Epoch date" falls 8 days previous to "Index Date."

Figure 3

Moon below the earth and increasing in light.
Period of gestation is 273 days plus "x".
"Count is to AC, because increasing and is 116 degrees. This divided by 13 equals 9 days the period is lengthened. Hence "Epoch Date" falls 9 days before "Index Date."

Figure 4

Moon below the horizon and decreasing in light.
Period of gestation is 273 days minus "x".
"Count" to DC because decreasing, and is equal to 113 degrees. This divided by 13 equals 9 days, by which the period is decreased, placing "Epoch Date" 9 days later than "Index Date."

Figure 5

(Variation of count)
Period of gestation 278 days minus "x".
Moon above and increasing.
The "count" is here made from the Moon to the AC and below the horizon to the DC, decreasing the period by 14 days, less than of the regular Epoch count.

Figure 6

(Variation of count)
Moon above and decreasing.
Period of gestation 278 days plus "x".
"Count" is made to DC as in rule but continued below the horizon to the AC, increasing the period of gestation by 14 days, plus the count of regular Epoch.

Figure 7

(Variation of count)
Moon below and increasing.
Period of gestation 278 days plus "x".
"Count" is made to the AC, according to rule, and continued above the horizon to the descendant, increasing the period of gestation by 14 days.
Increasing: "Count" to AC and extend over and around. This will be 80 degrees plus 180 degrees, equals 260 degrees. This divided by 18 equals 20 days by which period is increased, and will bring "Epoch Date" 20 days earlier than "Index Date."

Figure 8

(Variation of count)
Moon below and decreasing.
Period of gestation is 278 days minus "x".
"Count" is made to the DC, according to rule, and continued above the horizon to the AC, decreasing the period of gestation by 14 days.
Moon decreasing, hence "count" to DC and extend over and around.
Full "count" is 180 degrees plus 118 degrees equals 298 degrees. This, divided by 18 is 28 dose which the period is decreased, bring the "Epoch Date" 28 days later than "Index Date."
Since the Moon travels the entire zodiac in 28 days, or one lunar month, in 14 days it will have gone one-half the way, or from one sign to its opposite. Hence to "vary" the "count" do not reverse, but continue around, either above or below the horizon, and either increasing or decreasing period of gestation by 14 days.

Law of Sex
It is very easy to reach a fictitious Epoch. One of the most important things to be observed in the Prenatal figure is that it must determine the sex of the native. Unless the Epoch conforms to this fundamental condition, that is, defines the sex of the subject, it is not correct.
Every Epoch must conform to four separate and distinct conditions, viz:
1. It must confirm the time of birth within the limits of an ordinary observation.
2. It must define the sex of the subject according to certain rules.
3. It must show the general character and fortunes of the individual.
4. It must furnish directions in accord with the events of life.
Unless, therefore, an Epoch conforms strictly to these four conditions, it may be regarded as a fictitious one.
The law of sex is based upon the Hindu subdivision of the zodiac into twenty-eight mansions or "asterisms" of 12 6-7 degrees each, which gives the following:

Sex or "Critical" Degrees
These sex or "critical" degrees are used to confirm the sex of the subject or native. They are the central points of their respective orbs, which extend both ways to the end of orb.
It will be noticed, therefore, that when one degree of a certain sign is in one sex, the opposite sign and degree are in the opposite sex. Hence all that is necessary in order to place one of the factors in the proper sex position is to vary the count by fourteen days, making the period of gestation either shorter or longer, which will bring the proper ascending degree.
The application of these sex or "critical" degrees is as follows: "Allow the proper orb of influence for the Moon and Ascendant in the natal chart. This will show at once whether a masculine or feminine degree is rising, also the sex position of the Moon. It will be noticed that no matter in what degree the Ascendant falls, it will always occupy a position within orb of one of these sex points, either masculine or feminine; but the Moon's position may fall outside of the orb of influence, and this gives what is termed a negative position of the Moon. If the Moon is negative in the birth chart, we have either a strictly regular or irregular Epoch.

Figure 9
Orb (in natal figure)
for AC is 6 4-i degrees equals 6 34'.
for Moon is 4 2-7 degrees equals 4 17'.
Important: Always remember that since the Moon at birth becomes AC or DC at Epoch and vice versa, the orbs of influence of the Moon and AC in the Epoch Chart will change places so that the orb of the Moon at Epoch will be 6 34', while the orb of the AC will be 4 17'. "If, however, the Moon is within orb of one of these sex points it is termed a sex Epoch." -- Bailey.
Therefore, to determine the sex of the subject from the figure of the Prenatal chart, note:
1. When the Ascendant is negative (as in strictly regular and irregular Epochs), the sex of the area occupied by the Moon is the sex of the subject.
2. When both the Moon and the AC are within their respective orbs of a degree of the same sex, the sex of the subject is the same as the sex of the area so occupied .
3. When the Moon and the AC are placed within their respective orbs of a degree of the opposite sex (the Moon in a female and the AC in a male or vice versa) the sex of the subject is determined by the quadrant held by the Moon at Epoch. There will then be two points of one sex and one of the other, and whichever sex predominates will be the sex of the subject.
The term "quadrant" means quarter. The first quarter of the chart from AC to nadir is female, the second quarter from nadir to DC is male, the third quarter from DC to MC is female, and the fourth quarter from MC to AC is male. Thus if the sex position of one of the factors, either AC or Moon, is in an opposite sex from that of the other factor, the sex of the quadrant in which the Moon is placed at Epoch determines the sex of the native.

Irregular Epochs
Up to this time we have been dealing with the regular Epoch, that is, when there is an interchange of the two factors, the Moon with the AC or DC when increasing in light or the DC when decreasing in light, and the AC with the Epochal Moon. These interchanges are not always Regular and may vary, first, because the Epochal chart does not define the time of birth, and second, because the Epochal chart does not correctly define the sex of the native. It is therefore necessary to make variations from the regular order of Epoch. We have 3 of these variations which can be applied to each of the 4 orders:
(1) Taking the "count" from the AC or DC according to rule, but reversing the rising and setting of the Moon at birth, making its place set when increasing and rise when decreasing.
(2) Taking the "count" from the Moon to the DC when increasing and from the Moon to the AC when decreasing, but making the Moon's place rise or set according to rule.
(3) Taking the "count" from the Moon to the DC when increasing and from the Moon to the AC when decreasing, and reversing the rising and setting of the Moon as in variation (1).

Table of Variations

Variation I Birth Epoch

Moon increasing AC becomes Moon

Moon increasing Moon becomes DC

Moon decreasing DC becomes Moon

Moon decreasing Moon becomes AC

Variation II Birth Epoch

Moon increasing DC becomes Moon

Moon increasing Moon becomes AC

Moon decreasing AC becomes Moon

Moon decreasing Moon becomes DC

Variation III Birth Epoch

Moon increasing DC becomes Moon

Moon increasing Moon becomes DC

Moon decreasing AC becomes Moon

Moon decreasing Moon becomes AC

"It must be properly understood that this irregularity or variation from the main postulate of the Epoch is in no sense arbitrary or fortuitous. The variation must be made in order that the Epoch conform to the four prime conditions. It should be borne in mind that in all regular and irregular Epochs the Moon at birth holds a negative sex area, and therefore its rising or setting does not affect the sex, and the variation of this point is for the purpose of requiring the Epoch to confirm the birth time. In the second and third variations it is the sex of the area held by the AC which requires a deviation from the main law. Thus U the "count" is made from the Moon to the AC and that point is an area in the opposite sex of the subject, the "count" must be continued round to the opposite horizon, which will bring it into an area of the required sex. The Moon's place may rise according to rule, but it may also be necessary to reverse the process." -- Bailey.
A third class of Epochs comprises those which are more strictly designated "Sex Epochs." Here the interchange of the two factors is wholly and exclusively governed by the sex of the areas in which both the Moon and the Ascendant are placed, taken in conjunction with the sex of the subject. Sometimes the interchange will be regular, but in others either of the three irregular methods will obtain, while the sex of the quadrant of the Moon held at Epoch is brought into use in a very large number of cases. This class includes the large majority of cases where the period of gestation is increased or decreased by periods longer than the usual fourteen days." -- Bailey.
All that is now necessary in order to compute the actual date of Epoch is to find the class of Epoch required to fit each given case. This is done according to the following rules and gives us,

Six Classes of Epochs
1. Moon negative (a) Increasing - AC same sex (as person)
(b) Decreasing - AC opposite sex (to that of person)
This class is either regular or irregular, variation (1).
2. Moon negative (a) Increasing - AC opposite sex
(b) Decreasing - AC same sex.
This class is either of the second or third variations, irregular.
It will never be regular.
3. Moon increasing: AC and Moon same sex (as person)
Moon decreasing: AC and Moon opposite sex (to that of person)
This class is regular or irregular, variation 1 and 2.
4. Moon increasing: AC same sex,
Moon opposite sex (to that of person)
Moon decreasing: AC opposite sex, Moon same sex (as person)
This class is regular or irregular, variations 1 and 3.
5. Moon increasing: AC opposite sex, Moon same sex (as person)
Moon decreasing: AC same sex, Moon opposite sex (to that of person)
This class is regular or irregular, variation 2 and 3.
6. Moon increasing: AC and Moon in opposite sex (to that of person)
Moon decreasing: AC and Moon in same sex (or person)
This class will never be regular, but irregular, variation 1, 2, and 3.

Thursday, February 18, 2010



On 2 September after we finished the weekly Vishnu Sahastraam recitation at the house of Sri K.N.Rao., he opened a television channel and found the same news--the missing chopper which carried Y.S.R.Reddy known better in political circles as YSR the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh.

Did Sri Rao have his horoscope was the question two or three of us asked and he took out an unverified horoscope of YSR with Dhanu lagna of 8 July 1949. Presuming the horoscope to be correct, I said that there was no chance of YSR surviving in the dasha of Rahu-Mercury-Saturn.

Next day, on 3 September Sri Rao told me that he got from a lover of astrology a different horoscope of YSR. Here the date was the same but the time of birth was 22/42 and the place of birth was Pulivendla. The earlier gave the place of birth as Jammalamadugu and the time of birth as 18:19: with Dhanu lagna rising.

In this horoscope has Kumbha lagna. At the time of death , YSR, was running RahuVenus and Venus the lord of fourth house of vehicles in the sixth house of accidents appealed to me.

Some other events known to us were verified but not many are known except what appeared in the newspapers. The television channels, mostly in English kept discussing the missing chopper of YSR whole the day on 2nd September as through other news were least significant. Sri Rao said that these English channels did not give even one twentieth so much coverage to Madhavrao Scindia while he was a national figure unlike YSR who was only a politician of a south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It was ludicrous and total loss of sense of proportion.

On 3rd September television channels continued in the same vein after it was known that all the five passengers on the ill fated chopper had died in an accident on the Rudrakonda hillock where YSR’s helicopter crashed with heavy rain and cloudy sky reducing visibility to a fatally dismal level.

Why two horoscopes I wondered. Sri Rao told us, as he says in the class room also often, politicians keep misleading astrologers by passing on wrong birth data. Why was it so in this case is not clear. But the Kumbha lagna horoscope is said to have come from a close friend of YSR and is said to be reliable. At any rate, it is study of the horoscope of a person who is dead and will be forgotten very soon. Astrologers will not even need this horoscope to predict about future political events of India as we longer need Madhavrao Sindia’s horoscope.

Horscopes of YSR and Madhav Rao Scindia

From the facts known about YSR the Kumbha lagna horoscope can be used for three good reasons
a) Mars the tenth lord aspecting his own house which is the tenth house made him dictatorial type of politician who was a terror for his enemies.
b) This Mars aspected by Saturn gave him love for masses whose welfare he kept in the mind.
c) The aspect of Jupiter on this tenth lord gave him idealism and combined with Mars the will and determination to get implemented his well known welfare schemes.
Kumbha (Aquarius) lagna horoscope
At the time of his death, YSR was running the Vimshottari dasha of Rahu-VenusVenus. In Dwisaptati Sama Dasha, it was Saturn-Venus-Ketu. There is a research on Ketu in the eighth house by Shri Shiv Raj Sharma in which it has been repeatedly shown that Ketu in the eighth house gives painful death. Venus is common in both nakshatra dashas and the fourth lord in the sixth house aspected by retrograde Jupiter the second and the ninth lord.That explains a rich father and the Venus antardasha acquiring maraka qualities through Jupiterean aspect.

In Chara dasha it is Makar-Dhanu and Dhanu is well known for such events,rise or fall and violent deaths etc. In Jaimini’s Sthira dasha, it is Karka-Dhanu.

Repeating antardashas
It is very interesting to see that in nakshatra dashas Venus is repeating and Venus is in the sixth house of accidents. In Jaimini dashas Dhanu antardashas are repeating and Dhanu is the rashi of accidents or sudden sickness though it has given rise also to many.

Rahu on the day of death
There is a very notable point. On the death of YSR the degrees of Rahu in Makar was five degrees and forty three minutes and it was exactly on the natal Jupiter which is five degrees and thirty three minutes.

Back to television channels, strangely all the well known English channels were discussing and showing the accident of YSR while the Hindi channels were showing the immersion ceremony of Lord Ganesha on the sacred day of Anant Chaturdashi which fell on 3 September in 2009.

Did Madhavrao Scindia get even one twentieth so much tv coverage ? Or even P.V.Narasimha Rao who was India’s prime minister for five years and had steered Indian economy from direst of straits into the safer zone of safety?

YSR and Scindia
A comparison can be made of the deaths of both of these.

· In the case of YSR the fourth lord Venus is in the sixth house aspected by the second lord Jupiter.
· In the case of Madhav Rao Scindia, the fourth and sixth lords are in the eighth house aspected by retrograde second lord, Jupiter.
· The eighth house in both cases contains malefics and is airy rashis. Both died in air accidents.
· The eighth house or eighth lord has a connection with airy signs.
· The connection between the fourth and third house and/or their lords.
· Mutual aspects or conjunction of Saturn and Mars.
· Ketu in the eighth house from lagna or Moon.
· Seventh and eighth lords are in the fifth house.
· The second lord is retrograde in both cases and aspects the eighth house.
· Atmakaraka and Bhatrikarka has aspectual relation in both. Mars is either third lord or is connected to the third house.

Neither of them were great men not had anything that could win the admiration of people. YSR was a better manipulator of mass media and mass mind while Madhavrao was a royal figure, with pristine royal grandeur and strayed into politics and succeeded in a limited way.

To the credit of YSR it will have to be said that he got implemented welfare schemes with an iron will and steely hands and the benefits reached masses as had never happened before in any state.
Who will ever remember YSR? It is not in the hands of anybody to bestow on anyone greatness or immortality. A press well manipulated, a slavish media imitating each other to get higher trp has gone to a mad extent to make him look great. Some of his welfare schemes did do some good to some but was inflated beyond rational limits. When God wants to bestow greatness and immortality a stage is set and a full time table chalked out.


An Article from K N Rao.

If Dr. Raman had been alive he would have completed his ninety seventh year on 8 August and entered the ninety eighth. Why am I remembering him now when it is neither his anniversary nor is there any visible justifiable reason? My answer is purely personal.

Recently a ponga pandit who claims to be an astrologer, knows English and has even written a massively dull and unintelligent book as a commentary on a well known astrological classic, attacked Dr. Raman saying that he had learnt his Jaimini astrology wrongly from a pandit and reading his books has misled astrologers !! He made this statement in a letter to me.

It is this outrageous statement which annoyed me because what we astrologers owe to Dr. Raman should never be forgotten. To talk of him in personal tones let me make some recollections.

My astrological education in Hindi When I learnt astrology in my childhood with my mother initiating me into it, I could read Hindi only well and understand. My knowledge of English was elementary. Though my mother subscribed to the Astrological Magazine she alone read it and none else in our family.

My knowledge of astrology from books for many decades was garnered mainly from Hindi books published in Varanasi and Bombay’s Venkatesh Press. I never read any book of Dr.Raman as late as 1971, at the age of forty, because my mother had told me about his unacceptable ayanamsha. Besides, we did not have in the collection of astrology books of my mother, books of Dr. Raman. My mother’s personal collection was mostly in Telugu and that also well known astrological books, rarely anyone of contemporary writers of India who wrote in English though her knowledge of English was excellent she being the daughter of a headmaster during British rule. Those days the medium of teaching was through
English which was taught very well.

The quality of Varanasi books My knowledge of astrology came from books in Hindi. Let me state here that the books of Varanasi which are what many pandits compiled from whatever manuscripts they could lay their hands on, were uncritical combinations of the sublime and the dross, some gems and some folksy superstitions which could be a better subjects for anthropogists than astrologers.
It was much later that I learnt from some very respectable astrologers who used to come to meet my mother that these compilers of the differering versions of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra etc. were mere theoreticians and poorest of predictors. That has been the well known limitation of many astrologers brought up in Sanskrit traditions, to whom we are grateful for making available to us these compilations. Yet, to accept their interpretations and even translations blindly is to ignore their terrible limitations. Sample some out of hundreds of such instances.
1) If Sun is in the twelfth house for Tula lagna, he will live for one hundred years is one such absurdity.
2) In dasha results of Vimshottari , if Venus or Mercury is in the sixth or eighth from Sun the results will be....such absurdities abound in these books.
3) Try the garbhadhan lagna (prenatal horoscope) given in these books and you will find that some of us had emerged out of the wombs of our mothers either in seven months or ten months and never in the normal period of nine months or eighth months and some days !!
4) If your lagna falls in 3,6,12 etc. from pranpada you are not a human being but an animal!!
5) Read the book carefully and you will find that women are only sexual objects which can be better judged through thrimshamsha!
Try these and you like me will have admiration for these pandit compilers for giving great books and also get amused by their knowledge of predictive astrology!!

They sprang from a background where the benefits of the liberal education given through English medium which makes us ask questions was totally absent. The habit of questioning authority for a statement and the difficulty of accepting anything unless it is proven made the students who studied through English medium very rational and scientific.

Dr. Raman was a product of such an education like most of us. Dr. Raman knew that some of pandits had good knowledge of astrology but their interpretations of some shlokas and their mangled meaning of some sutras, particularly of Jaimini never proved correct in actual application. A practical approach to astrology with sound predictive technique was what was needed.

It is astrologers brought up in the English medium education who alone could do it and did it. In many private conversations with me till we parted company in 1994, Dr. Raman told me of his experiences.

Reading Dr. Raman’s Books As I said that many people including the late Gopesh Kumar Ojha never accepted the ayanamsha of Dr. Raman because of which his books never attracted me till my jyotish guru,Yogi Bhaskaranandji, told me that Dr. Raman taught astrology scientifically through his books and had a remarkable record of great war time predictions which were world class. Left to myself, I rank Dr. Raman as the second best in the world after the late Hardeo Shastri Trivedi who wrote only in Hindi and was not noticed in the world of astrology and the world for his unbelievably great mundane predictions. Ofcourse I made this assessment after reading the predictions of these great astrologers who remain unrivalled even now.
It is after this that in 1971 I read the old issues of the Astrological Magazine and read some of his books with an open mind. I always found it difficult to accept his explanations because when I recast many of the horoscopes given in his books through Lahiri ayanamsha, I found varga charts showing different planetary positions. But if one were to accept his explanations based mostly on his ayanamsha he could not be faulted for his brilliant logic. I never found him using varga charts which appeared to be a terrible limitation.

Dr Raman’s book on Jaimini In course of time I read his book on Jaimini astrology which again is elementary compared to Hindi books I had already read. There was a difference---he was lucid and illustrative in his explanations which the Varanasi pandits could not do in their vast tomes of compilations because they were awful predictors.
Brahma I had ofcourse differences with Dr. Raman in the definition of Brahma for example which, he insisted must be in the visible half of a horoscope. His explanation of Maheshwara as the eighth lord from atmakaraka works very correctly and his definition of Rudra as the stronger of the two between the second and the eighth lord from the lagna works more brilliantly if you work on Sthira dasha of Jaimini in tracing illnessness and mishappenings in the life of a person. ( See the excellent book on Sthira Dasha by Mrs. Akhila Kumar).
What we owe to Dr. Raman is what cannot be repaid is what my jyotish guru told me. I not merely respected my jyotish guru’s assertion but also have, to date, produced the best paper on him which can be read in the book

Dr. Raman Man and Mission. Destiny chose me to repay the debt we owe to Dr. Raman. My jyotish guru who was alive when my paper was published in 1983, was immensely pleased with me and blessed me. He did say that what I had done for Dr. Raman is what one of his astrology knowing children should have done !!

His books not prescribed by us I never prescribed any of the books of Dr. Raman for our astrology course and never recommend it even now. That ofcourse does not diminish the great respect I have for him for making it possible for a man like me to walk on a stage of astrology he prepared ---and prepared for hundreds of astrologers.

So ignore this criticism of the ponga pandit indulging in sutra chopping and proving nothing through any illustration which he has no ability to prove as his elementary discussion of some horoscopes he gives in his massively dull book, shows.
Dr. Raman’s horoscope During his lifetime Dr. Raman had to face lot of jealousy and at the height of some attack on him I had said that astrologers should compare their horoscopes with Dr. Raman’s to see why his destiny bestowed on his the eminence he enjoyed. One of his peevish critics was R.Santhanam and the other is alive even now. I too am a critic not of Dr. Raman but of his ayanamsha.
Remember Dr. Raman gratefully. My writing this piece is because of the provocation of this ponga pandit that Dr. Raman did not know Jaimini astrology properly !!And I am doing it in the month of his birth, August.
Dr. Raman brought astrology back to us from the morass of confused pandits who claimed to be belonging to some parampara and looked astrology look like black magic which failed more often than worked.

AK-Moon, AmK-Sun, BK-Mars, MK-Mercury, PK-Jupiter, GK-Saturn, DK-Venus

( 26 August 2009) He died in the sthira dasha of Meena which is eighth from his Karakamsha.The antardasha of Vrishchika which has Maheshwara. Pratyantara dasha of Simha which has Rudra.
What Dr. Raman learnt from some pandit was better Jaimini astrology than what the sutra choppers mistaking themselves as authorities on Jaimini will ever understand.

In chara dasha as I do, the period of death came in Karka (aspected byMaheshwara, Mesha (aspected by Rudra) and Karka again aspected by Maheshwara.

I do not take any dasha balance in Chara dasha nor did Dr. Raman.

In Vimshottari dasha it was VenusVenus,the seventh dasha and in the seventh house, pratyantara dasha of Saturn aspected by Jupiter the second lord, and the sookshma dasha of Rahu in the second house and aspected by Jupiter again.

In one issue of the Astrological Magazine I had predicted the period from 1994 to 1996 as bad for him and he died two years later after falling ill in the period pointed out by me. I had ofcourse used the horoscope as here too on the basis of his birth time he had rectified himelf.

His atmakaraka is Moon, Maheshwara is Jupiter and Rudra is Mercury according to the method learnt by Dr. Raman from a pandit which is what the ponga disputed.
He died on December 20, 1998 On the day of his death, Mars was in the Eighth house from his lagna and Moon was in the eighth house from his birth Moon.

Remember, what Dr. Raman taught is scientific astrology like what we teach in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan but are neither prescribing his books nor using his ayanamsha.
But our respect for him does not suffer in view of his great contribution to Hindu astrology through English language.


An Article from K N Rao - 30 June 2009

Let me start with a friend told me when I was in government service. The government of India had appointed a commission of inquiry which was never submitting its report and demanding extension after extension. The solution was found when the government decided to allot a house to the chairman of the commission with the permission to retain it after the commission closed down !!
Similar jokes will be heard about the Liberhan Commission which submitted its report to the government of India to allow, it is being said, the UPA government headed by the Congress party to proceed against BJP and other Hindu parties to please Muslims for coming assembly elections and take away the remnants of the Muslim vote banks of smaller parties like the BSP of Mulayam Singh and BSP of Mayawati.
Some facts about the Liberhan Commission are being talked of by the television channels. It has taken seventeen years to submit its report after taking 48 extensions after it was set up ten days after the demolition of the Babri Masjid on 6 December 1992 1993. It cost eight crore rupees, had 400 sittings . It will indict, it is being said, L.K.Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Uma Bharati among the famous names.
Lord Rama went into exile for fourteen years but this commission has taken seventeen years to submit its report!!
My private joke always has been that the BJP should not fight for Ram temple till it gets new leaders with different leaders as all the three top leaders then Atal Behari Vajpai (representing Krishna) Lal Krishna Advani representing Krishna) and Murli Manohar Joshi (representing Krishna) are fighting for Rama temple ! They do not have "Ram" in their names. Vinay Katiyar and Ashok Singhal have neither Rama nor Krishna, like many others in their names !! Even the second rank leaders do not have Rama in their names.
My more serious argument which two women students presented in a seminar in 2001 with astrological proofs of the existing of a Hindu temple in Ayodhya even in the eleventh century. And that most of the history of ancient countries have many legends which get historical approval. See this (story or fiction or fact ?)
Mohammad’s ascent to heaven !! One night, Muhammad, accompanied by the angel Gabriel, flew on the back of a winged, horse-like creature to Jerusalem to visit the temple that was built by King Solomon (who, by the way, is also considered to be one of the prophets). At the Temple, Muhammad prayed with Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Muhammad was then carried up to heaven by Gabriel, where Muhammad met God. Because of this trip, Moslems consider Jerusalem to be the third most holy city, after Mecca and Medina. Within Jerusalem lies one of Islam's most holy sites, the Dome of the Rock, which covers the place where Muhammad is said to have stepped as he began his ascent to heaven. During the Night Journey, Muhammad was told several tenets that he incorporated into the basis of Islam, for example, that all Moslems should pray five times a day.
Has anyone made it a historical controversy and deprived Muslims from visiting this "historical" place?
Babri Masjid Horoscopes
Now come to the astrological significance of 6 December 1992 and the demolition of the Babri Masji which , it is well known was a deserted mosque. It is very well known that Hindus have associated this place with Lord Rama which is why Muslims destroyed the temple there and built a mosque as they have done in Mathura and Varanasi. But the Congress party must ignore this , the BJP does not advance this as an argument and Hindus, even those who have nothing to do with politics want to see a Rama temple so sacred to us in Ayodhya referred to in the Valmiki Ramayana. India’s Congress Party contains world’s greatest hypocrites.
It is also well known that Christians first and later Muslims destroyed the places of worship of other religions to proclaim their supremacy and converted and proselyted people. Powerful hypocrites escaped punishment is the history of religions !!
But God must be laughing at these philistines pretending to be angels and His messengers on this planet of ours.
6 December 1992Now come to the 6 December 1992 demolition of the Masjid and see it astrologically. December 6 was a Sunday and I was in Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan along with David Frawley from USA who wanted to see our teaching methods and was attending one of my classes. Another teacher rushed to my room and said that the students wanted to know why and how the Babri Masjid was demolished and wanted it to be explained astrologically. There was a great and insistent demand. I combined the classes and explained with Frawley listening to me.
See the horoscope of the time and day of the demolition given here.
1) There is the exchange of the third lord (representing karsevaks or the volunteers kar being hand with which service is rendered) and the sixth house being aggression.
2) The fourth and ninth lord Venus here is the Masjid the ninth lord in the twelfth house is the place of worship. It is under double affliction , is with Saturn and is aspected by Mars.
3) Rahu Ketu axis falls in Vrisha – Vrischika (Taurus– Scorpio) which historically (see Mehta and Radhika’s book on recently released book on Mundane Astrology) is a significant period in the history of India like the Karka (Cancer) and Makar (Capricorn) axis where Rahu Ketu are these days and on the days of the submission of the report of Liberhan Commission. Wait for the fall out of today’s development which the Congress party will exploit and annoy Hindus who do want to see a Rama temple in Ayodhya without politicizing the issue.
The Indian Independence horoscopeNow put the planets of 6 Dec 1992 on the horoscope of India and see how Saturn in the ninth house of religion aspected by Jupiter from Kanya (Virgo) completes a double transit phenomenon with fiery Mars Karka (Cancer) igniting it !
To test this theory further put the planets of 11 September 2001 on the horoscope of USA with Simha lagna when the tower in New York was destroyed. The explanation is given in the margin of the chart. Try Vrischika (Scorpio) or Dhanu (Sagittarius) lagna and this double transit phenomenon does not work.
Now watch the repercussions of all this more keenly because the eclipse of 22 July is falling on the three-nine axis of the Indian Independence horoscope. That is again history in the making.
That is astrology of Hindus.